About Us

Our philosophy is simple:

By helping young people achieve and prosper, our community grows stronger!

The George Snow Scholarship Fund is dedicated to helping deserving students within the community achieve their career goals through their pursuit of higher education. By providing financial assistance and a host of supplementary support services, we ensure that your scholarship recipients have the resources they need to thrive academically.


The following numbers are based on all scholarship programs administered in south Florida.

$ 0
$ 0
0 %
0 %

*Based on a 6 year graduation rate reported by National Student Clearinghouse

History of The George Snow Scholarship Fund

The Fund was established in 1982 as a memorial to George Snow, a Boca Raton developer who lost his life in a helicopter accident in 1980. Mr. Snow moved to Boca Raton in 1958 to take a position as a high school math teacher at what is now Atlantic High School in Delray Beach. Later Mr. Snow moved his career into the fields of real estate and construction, but he always remembered the importance of education and during his lifetime was active in trying to help those individuals who were trying to help themselves. These same ideals are those that shape the mission of the George Snow Scholarship Fund.

Since its inception the Fund has awarded over 31 million dollars in educational grants. In the year 2024 alone, the Scholarship Fund awarded $5,026,664 in scholarships and scholar support services to 375 Snow Scholars. This level of support places the Fund as one of Palm Beach County’s largest sources of educational grants.

Known as experts in scholarship administration, the George Snow Scholarship Fund has developed a reputation for creating innovative programs which address the educational needs of those in our community.

Read About the Unsolved Mystery: THE GEORGE SNOW STORY
Geroge Snow

Meet the George Snow Team

Timothy G. Snow
Timothy G. Snow
Read Bio
Jay Brandt
Vice President of Development
Read Bio
Leslie Cornwell
Leslie Cornwell
Vice President of Scholar Services
Read Bio
Nikki Hamilton
Vice President of Finance
Read Bio
Natalie Capiro
Director of Coaching & Career Development
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Channon Ellwood
Channon Ellwood
Director of Communications
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Amy Greene
Amy Greene
Director of Special Events
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Sandra Reid
Executive and Group Assistant
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Harley Michel
Data and Documentation Coordinator
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Austin Havass
Austin Havass
Scholar Services Coordinator
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Bithja Meus
Scholar Services Coordinator
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Ana Berenguer
Special Events Coordinator
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Board of Trustees and PAC

At the heart of all good non-profits is the organization's leadership. The George Snow Scholarship Fund is blessed to have a wonderful group of dedicated individuals serving on our Board of Trustees and our Professional Advisory Committee. Each of them gives their time, talent and/or treasure to ensure that the George Snow Scholarship Fund flourishes and continues to take a leadership role in providing scholarships and the Scholar Support Services that enhance our scholar’s college experience.

BoardSpot Portal





Past Chair

Frank A. Barbieri, Jr.

John W. Clidas

Nancy L. Dockerty

Douglas K. Fash

Ingrid A. Fulmer

David R. Hofer

Elias M. Janetis

Paige N. Kornblue

Matthew H. Maschler

Emmanuel L. McNeely

Danielle A. Rosse

Savannah G. Snow

Eduardo L. Sordo

Kyle R. Stewart

Albert J. Travasos

Andrea L. Virgin

John (Jay) D. Whelchel, Jr.

Van P. Williams

Brad R. Winstead

William Altier*

M.J. Mike Arts

Brian K. Duffey*

Robert W. Ingalls*

Donald A. Marra*

Jeffery E. Snow

Jennifer S. Snow

Sandra C. Snow*

Joel T. Strawn

Joseph W. Veccia


The Professional Advisory Council provides information and resources on planned giving to the donors, staff and stakeholders of the George Snow Scholarship Fund. The Professional Advisory Council consists of highly regarded professionals who practice in the area of estate planning and charitable giving. Our members include: estate planning attorneys, CPA’s, bank and trust officers, insurance and investment professionals. Our team has experience and expertise in the areas of philanthropy and planned giving techniques. Members of the Professional Advisory Council can work with your existing professional advisors providing a collaborative process for exploring optimal gift planning.

Professional Advisory Council (PAC) Members 2024
Karolina Bednarska
Evelyn Buitrago
Savannah Cabrera Snow
Debbie Cancilla
Joseph Coconate
John W. Clidas
Michael Cramer
Ana Diaz 
Alex Ferrera
Daniel Fleischer
Jeffrey Fromknecht 
Scott Garber
Scott Goldberger
Josh Goldglantz
Seth Kaplan
George Karibjanian
Sara Kelley
Lanny Marks
Marina McCleneghen
Leslie McCullough
Duane Merchant 
Brad Milhauser
Brad Mitchell
Stuart Morris
Ross O’Connor
Deborah Packer Goodall
Linda Paige
Mark Parthemer 
Lindsay Rehns
Gregory Reynolds 
Mickey Rosenzweig
Andy Rudoff
Mark Schaum
Brian Singer
Ed Smith
Sydney Smith Kocker
Linda Snelling
Samantha Vassallo
Debbie Venezi
Mark Walters


Ruben Abarca
Guethshina Altena
Anthony Altieri
Rivka Averbukh
Danielle Bai
Robert Bantang
Susan Bantang
Carlos Barroso
Karrie Bataskov
Sharon Batte
Donna Baxter
Jessica Beauchamp
Rebekka Behr
Stephanie Bell
Dilma Bennett
Andrea Bice
Alex Bimonte
Charmaine Blanchard
Joe Blanchard
Susan Bloom
Marcy Bloom
Todd Blum
Kristen Bohne
Barbara Boivin, ARNP
Bob Bouressa
Jay Brandt
Jenesa Branford
Dr. Michael Brody
Jordan Brody
Amanda Brown
Dr. Sharon Browne
Carrie Browne
Alice Brumley
Jennifer Bruneault
Patricia Burdett
Jon Burford
Collin Burg
Anita Burton
Amy Buzzelli
Jetsy Byers
Ilene Cahan
Donna Capparelli
Russ Carawan
Stefaney Caro
John Carpenter
Megan Casabe
Jason Cashion
Kerven Cassion
Jennifer Chiusano
Amanda Clarke
Demitria Comforti
Meliza Commond
Barbara Conahan
Stephanie Cornwell
Nick Crespi
Simone Darville
Carla Davis
Brian Dennison
Stacy Desine
Heather DeStefano
Nancy DiStefano
Nancy Dockerty
Sarah Doyle – McCallum
Jan Dymtrow
Kara Eberhart
Debbie Ellman
Dave Engfer
Germaine English
Jon Erickson
Alexandra Esler
Kristen Esler
Matthew Esler
Jack Esler
Alita Faber
Pat Feigin
Tammy Fields
Frances Fisher
Debi Fogel
Mitch Fogel
Lilly Folds
Ryan Frank
Morgan Frederick
Christina Fuentes
Christopher Gagic
Dre Garcia
Stephanie Garcia
Kristin Gardner
Rachel Gebeloff
Cary Glickstein
Carissa Goff
Monique Goldsmith
Stacey Gonzalez
Emily Gore
Carmela Grande
Quincy Grayton
Mouline Guerriee
Melissa Gunderman
Briana Hagerty
Jessica Hall
Diana Halley
Angela Halloran
Shannon Hammond
SeDessie Harris
Steve Haskins
Andrew Haskins
Thomas Head
Bettina Hoffman
Olivia Hollaus
Alisa Hollingshead
Michaela Hotte
Debra Howe
Louis Hunter
Antoinita(Annie) Ifill
Kristi Jackson
Asheria Jackson
Enida Jeteric
Taylor Johnson
Sven Johnson
Steven Johnston
Denita Jones
Joan Kaplan
Cheryl Karadbil
Tom Kastanotis

Lisa Kaufman
Ethan Kernkraut
Allison Kinney
Christine Koehn
Shannon Kuck
Ted Kuenz
Lauren Labak
Suzanne LaCaria
Alli Lazurus
Austin Lent
Danny Leon
Lou Lifson
Alexandria Lopresto
Melissa Lyons
Marissa Lyons
Dorothy MacDiarmid
Loni Markman
Rose Martinez
Wendy Maschler
Greg Mazares
Shawn McClain
Krystle McGrady
Kathy McKinnon
Patrick McNamara
Siobhan McRostie-Gross
Josh Melton
Steve Mermelstein
Jill Merrell
Jessica Merrell
Cliff Merritt
Christine Mica
Barry Miller
Matthew Miller
Jeffrey Molinaro
Ruth Momplaisir
Rochard Moricette
Amanda Murphy
Katherine Murphy
Mary Murphy
Anna Myers
Fran Nachlas
Christopher Neil Baucom
Liz Nicastro
Teresa Noland
Eileen Obara
Robert OBeirne
Christina Ocean
Jerry O’Connor
Alessandra Owens
Kim Pacewicz
Katherine Paison-Senn
Carolyn Palmquist Dungan
Matthew Parkhill
Sarah Parks
Ron Pelletier
Cindy Perez
Pam Perrin
Dahlia Pierre
Ijahala Pottinger
Kerri Powers
Monique Prosper
Nigam Reddy
Katherine Regna
Leo Rincon
John Roberts
Joyce Robinson
Alicia Rootes
Mitch Rossitto
Brian Ruane
Steven Rubenstein
David Russell
Alanna Russo
Peggy Ruzika
Richkard Saint Louis
Noemi Sanchez
Phillip Sanchez
Christina Schmit
Savannah Shepard
Dr. Patricia Sherron
Beth Simpson
Cindy Snow
Savannah Snow
James Sparks
Marie Speed
Mike St Onge
Wendy Stapleton
Kenneth Stephens
Kyle Stewart
Allando Stone
Amanda Stuart
Joanna Suarez
Marybeth Sullivan
Kevin Sullivan
Rebecca Tarrien
Nunzio Terra
Beth Thiret
Gary Thiret
D. Alex Thomas
Christina Timotei
Ross Toback
Linda Tone
Eileen Travasos
Albert Travassos
Jeff Unger
Katherine VanBrocklin
Elodie Harris Wacaster
Nancy Walsh
DeAnna Warren
Prince Wayne
Krissy Webb
Ronald Wells
Barika Williams
Stacey Wilson
Karen Wisdom – Chambers
Dave Wisehaupt
David Woodruff
Shai Wottitz
Felicia Wren
Kristen Wright
Christina Zarrilli
Nicole Zender
Anne Zuckerman