Founders Society

The most prestigious of the George Snow Scholarship Fund’s giving societies, The Founders Society celebrates and recognizes those generous donors who have made a a bequest or other type of planned gift to the George Snow Scholarship Fund or have established an endowed Scholarship. Should you choose to include The George Snow Scholarship Fund in your will or other estate plans, we would be honored to know of your intentions and have you as a member of our Founders Society.


Boca Raton Airport Authority – Ken A. Day Scholarship

Jill and Eric Becker

Estate of Agnes Bucuch

Estate of Ann Chew

Rhoda Cobb – The Cobb Foundation Inc.

Gladys L. Davis Trust – Richard Murdoch, Trustee,

Timothy Eaton

Patti and Arlen Fischlowitz

Torrey Green

Estate of Barbara Ann Harrison

Audrey and Robert Howell*

Karleen and Elias Janetis

Limestone Creek Elementary School

Lisa and Brett McMillan

Lisa and Barry Miller

Jennifer Snow and Sue Nicklaus

Marilyn Perry, Showtime Performing Arts Scholarship

Jill and Heinz Riehl

Kathleen and Edward Skiko

Cindy Sprott and Tim Snow

Estate of Regina Spence

The Trudeau Family

Estate of Margaret Van Wiele

Susan Walker

Ron Wells