Graduated Georgetown University 2000
“Today I am abundantly blessed to own FitLife_byKC, dedicated to fitness and wellness, while inspiring many others to live a healthier lifestyle. After leaving Georgetown University in 2000, I worked in both the non-profit and private sectors in consulting, finance and development. Catapulted into the world of fitness in 2002, I have been a group fitness instructor and personal trainer since 2006, and I now operate an on-line virtual training program that services people around the globe. In 1996 the George Snow Scholarship Fund had helped me realize my full academic potential. Today I (along with my partners at BB Digital) help the community at-large to actualize their full potential in becoming the best that they can be physically, emotionally and mentally. I’m proud to have trained and to be sought out by a diverse array of individuals, including such dignitaries as Dr. Julianne Malveaux (journalist and former Bennett College President).”